This whole discussion is mostly academic for me. I post it for whoever might have an interest in these tools.
Recently I looked into the Sencha development environment. It reminds me a lot of Maqetta, specifically the sliding UIs it generates.
I've looked into whether similar UI is available off-the-shelf for Unity (especially for workflow), and so far it looks like it's not. I wrote a UI from the ground up using uGUI, but this adds extra weight which isn't present in the Sencha UX, and the workflow isn't anywhere close to as streamlined.
All I can say is Unity still thinks of itself as a game engine, rather than a mobile app engine.
It has not yet matured in the direction of rapid UI development. I have this nagging feeling I want to create a Sencha-like UX in Unity, which only animates going between scenes while not actually using a Unity uGUI scroll-rect to hold them all. Mostly I want to do this to improve the whole game development workflow, of which UI design can be a good starting point.
But again... this discussion is mostly academic.
Live and learn. Unity is still more efficient than going through multiple target learning curves (i.e. Xcode for iOS + Android API).
Will I switch to HTML5? Only if three.js or other tools can bridge the gap. Push notifications look like they are available at least for Chrome (and possibly exclusively to GAE).
Google may kill Unity altogether eventually.
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